Monday, January 18, 2010

In the Beginning

At the very beginning, page one of the adoption process.
We've waited a year to reach this point, but that's another story - finally here we are - slowly and surely moving towards family life.
A family!
That's why we are on this journey - to have a family of our own. We know it will be a tough road leading up to adoption and sure as can be, it will get really tough once the child or children arrive.
But we were both born to be parents. Both certain from a young age that parenthood was where we wanted to be.
Way back then, we didn't know each other. In fact we only found each other in the last decade, after we'd both had previous, childless, marriages. If only I'd found my lovely Captain W when I was in my twenties - we'd have our own birth children, if not grandchildren by now!
But when you only discover each other in your forties, sure as the sky is blue, you know that your chances of birth children are, at most, remote.
We tried the natural route to conception and we tried IVF too - they didn't work. And by now, we are ready to adopt a child or children in need of a safe, stable and loving home.
So here we are!
Starting out!
Bring on the Social Workers! Bring on the Searches!
We're ready and waiting to go all the way..... to become a family.

I hope you'll pop back often to see how we're getting along... and in case you're wondering, this blog is Anonymous - my fictitious name is taken from a Jane Austen book. By being anonymous I can tell you all there is to tell about our journey....

See you soon!
Anne Elliott


Arena Mom said...

Nice to meet you!! Where are you thinking of adopting from? Domestic or Intl? Good luck to you!

Melinda said...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I'm excited for you to be experiencing changed our lives!! I'm following your blog so I can join you on your journey! Good luck!!

Valerie said...

It's a wonderful journey with it's ups and downs, but it has the most wonderful ending. Good luck!

Melissa G said...

How exciting! I'm always inspired to read about peoples adoption journeys.